Gob Squad on Center Stage

Utilizing Andy Warhol’s films as their starting point, Gob Squad set themselves the task of reconstructing live versions of Warhol films, including the 1965 Edie Sedgwick vehicle Kitchen. Acting out scenes on bare-bones sets, viewed by the audience as black-and-white projections, the shrewdly crafted and frequently hilarious live recreations are spliced with other Warhol celluloid adventures to evoke an elusive, mythic time and place—its hedonistic experimentalism and its wave of social change.
Center Stage with Mark Gordon airs Tuesdays at 7PM (PST) on KXLU Los Angeles, 88.9 FM and streaming live on the internet at www.kxlu.com
For more about Center Stage with Mark Gordon visit www.stageandscreen.com
For more about Center Stage with Mark Gordon visit www.stageandscreen.com