David Waldon talks about "Snakes on a Plane."

David Waldon came Center Stage with Mark Gordon to discuss his new book "Snakes on a Plane:The Guide to the Internet Ssssssensation."

About the Book
Like some slithery, fork-tongued version of the proverbial snowball, Snakes on a Plane (SoaP to those in the know) keeps gathering speed. Not since Jaws has a movie been so feverishly anticipated, and not since The Blair Witch Project has an underground cult film been transformed into an international phenomena by the tireless work of the fans themselves.

An action film starring the king of action himself, Samuel L. Jackson, Snakes on a Plane was hailed as the "sleeper hit of the summer" by Stephen King in Entertainment Weekly. Its buildup is perplexing and impossible-to-ignore, and has been featured on CNN, NPR, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, The Hollywood Reporter, and on legions of blogs and web sites. Reportedly, New Line Cinema re-titled the film Pacific Flight 121, provoking outrage in cyberland and by even Jackson himself.

Now comes Snakes on a Plane: The Guide to the Internet Sssssensation, an homage to the fans themselves and the Internet's buildup that convinced the producers to bring back the stars for re-shoots in order to satisfy the expectations of the fans. Snakes on a Plane is lavishly illustrated, featuring much of the fan's original artwork.


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